Ragdoll Colors and Patterns
Please view the slide show next to the chart to view pictures of the various colors and patterns.
Point Mitted Bicolor Tortie Lynx Seal 01 02 03 04 05 Chocolate 06 07 08 09 10 Blue 11 12 13 14 15 Lilac 16 17 18 19 20 Red 21 22 23 xx 24 Cream 25 26 27 xx 28 |
The Ragdoll is a pointed cat, and comes in the standard colors (Seal, Chocolate, Blue, and Lilac) and patterns (Point, Mitted, and Bicolor), along with the new colors, Red and Cream, and the Lynx pattern.
The Red, Cream and Lynx come in Point, Mitted and Bicolor patterns also. The Chocolate and Lilac colors are very rare, and are lighter shades than the Seal and Blue. This is often leads to mistakes in identification of colors, since the Ragdoll doesn't get its full color until it is 2 years old. Many Ragdolls labeled as Chocolate and Lilac when they are young, end up being Seal and Blue in adulthood. We do not breed for the Chocolate or Lilac colors.